Stay Green Discipline

For the 2013-2014 school year our class will use a bulletin board color system to help with classroom discipline. Each student will have their name on the bulletin board with three colors: GREEN, YELLOW, RED.

Green: Good job all day!

                                                         Yellow : Had a minor problem

                                                              Red : Had a major problem

The classroom rules will be decided by the class during the first week of school. Every day each student will start on GREEN. If class rules are broken the student will get up and rotate their card on the board. At the end of each day each student will put a colored mark on their planner corresponding to the color they ended with on that day. A GREEN mark is the desired mark each day. A YELLOW mark requires a conference with me and a talk with the

parent/guardian at home. A RED mark requires a conference with me and Mrs. Freiheit. A phone call will also be made either by the student or me depending on the situation. Those students who stay GREEN all day will be in a drawing for a treat at the end of the day. Those that stay GREEN all week will be in a special drawing at the end of the week for a prize!


With your help I know we can make this a fantastic year for all!

Thanks, Mr. Voyce

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